Days Inn Berthierville
Gas station
- Cross-country skiing
Meal services
- Breakfast
Services in units
- Air Conditioning
- Mini-refrigerator
- Internet/WIFI access
- DVD player
- Microwave oven
- Whirlpool
- Kitchenette
Payment options
- MasterCard
- Visa
- Debit
- American Express
- enRoute
- Discover
Offered services
- Washer / Dryer
- Public phone
- Pets permitted
- Wifi access
- Bar
- Elevator
Hotel - informations
- Minimum price: 125
- Number of rooms
On-site services
- Gas station
- Lodging on-site
- Free access to Wi-Fi
Pick up and trailers safety
- Lit parking area
- Video surveillance
Snowmobile safety
- Lit parking area
- Chain supplied free of charge by the hotel
- Video surveillance
Deals and packages
Park and discover
15% off the regular room rate.
The person must have a truck and trailer or snowmobile*
Offers starting at
from, plus taxes